At Smartify, we respect our customers and users need for online privacy and protect any personal information that may be shared with us, in an appropriate manner. Smartify’s practice as regards use of customer personal information is as set forth below. The following provisions are in addition to the confidentiality provisions set forth herein. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this section and the confidentiality provision, the confidentiality provisions shall prevail.
- Information we Collect. Smartify collect information in two ways:
Information customer give us. Smartify collect information from google apps to provide better service to all our users – that includes first name, last name, email id and email group(s) each user belong to. This information is synchronized on a periodic basis and if the user is deleted or made inactive in google apps domain, we delete or deactivate the user in our application as well. Smartify do not collect passwords or store documents in our application.
Information we get from customer use of our service. Information we get from customer use of our service. Smartify may collect information about the service that customer use and how customer use them, like when customer visit the application or when customer used a specific feature. Our logging system automatically collects information like the internet protocol address, browser type, browser language, referring URL, features accessed, errors generated, time zone, operating system information and other such information that is transmitted in the header of the user’s HTTP request and stores in log files. Smartify use these log files to analyze trends, administer and improve the application. Smartify don’t collect or store application or user specific data as part of logs.
- How we use information we collect Smartify use the information for the following general purposes: service provisioning, billing, identification and authorization, service improvement, and research. When the Customer contacts Smartify, we may keep a record of customer communication to help solve any issues customer might be facing.
Security of customer data Smartify adopt industry appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of customer personal information and data stored in customer user account. Smartify shall ensure that it receives similar commitments from its vendors used to provide the Services hereunder. Smartify will provide notification to Customer as soon as reasonably practical after a breach of such security which may impact Customer Data. Access to customer name and email address is restricted to our employees who need to know such information in connection with providing Smartify service to customer and are bound by confidentiality obligations. Smartify does not sell the personally identifiable information customer provide for financial gain nor does Smartify share such information with third parties for the purpose of sending customer advertisements for products or service unaffiliated with Smartify.
Last updated: 03 dec 2021